Montag, 19. April 2010


All right, my dear non-exis. Frau Mayer is done. A very long, very painful, very tiresome phase of her life is over.
Now I'm looking forward to loads of decluttering, my move to the city I love, loads of planning, decorating and enjoying life.
I'm feeling so powerless I've spent the day in bed. Finally, I have some time to show none of you my Morocco pics.

Here we go!
Our riad in Marrakech. It's a really good one. If you speak French, hehe. Otherwise, it's just a good place where you can't talk to anyone. Which is OK, too cause I had someone to talk/cuddle with me.


All Moroccan riads have this lovely pool in the middle which never gets used. It does look good in pictures, though.

Let's keep talking about out riad. It had this absolutely amazingly decorated bathroom which I just wanted to rip out and take with me. I had to stick to pictures, though and I'm trying to comfort myself saying I'd get tired of all those colours in a couple of weeks. Hail simple white bathrooms, bla bla.


Breakfast at the patio. Blue-white dishes. Sun. Palm trees. Well...

This is Achmed carrying our breakfast. It's nice to be a capitalist from time to time.
This is going to be a little teaser for the next post where I'm going to tell you why I didn't like Morocco too much, what tips might come in handy when shopping in medinas, what to bring with you, what to watch out for and why the hell I wasn't allowed to buy a sink (I did buy a carpet and use it to fly home, he he he)

6 Kommentare:

  1. Dear Frau Mayer,
    Finally! We get to hear about your trip to Morocco. Love the pictures of your Riad. We will be staying at the Peacock Pavilions. They do speak English because we do not speak French.
    Can't wait to hear more, especially why you you didn't like "Morocco too much".
    I just posted a few pictures of a trip a few years ago when we drove through Morocco. We thought it was fabulous and that is why we are going back.

  2. Oh, by the way, I can't find Achmed!

  3. This is the guy with the tray :)
    Our riad was a cheapo one, definitely not a peacock pavilion :) Frau Mayer prefers to invest money in shopping! Morocco was incredibly, unbelievably dirty. I'll be posting more tonight, dear. Many greetings to sunny (?) Utah!

  4. Liebe Frau Lehrerin,
    ich freue mich so für dich. Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Hach, ist das schön :)! Jetzt hast du wieder Zeit, Lust, Muße... für all die schönen Dinge des Lebens. Viel Spaß dabei.

    Die Bilder aus Marokko sind traumhaft schön. Mein Mann will schon so lange mit mir dort Urlaub machen. Er war vor Jahren mal dort (allerdings auf Interrail) und will unbedingt wieder hin. Dieses mal mit etwas mehr Komfort. Vielleicht wäre deine Adresse ja auch etwas für uns... in 20 Jahren, wenn die Jungs aus dem Haus sind ;).

    Zu deiner Loch-Frage: Es ist ein alter Fußhocker.

    Liebe Grüße, Nadine

  5. Hey, Nadine,
    danke! Das ist eine enorme Erleichterung, die mich totally happy macht!
    Marokko ist nichts für Urlaub. Zu anstrengend. Ich werde versuchen, es weiter zu erläutern.
    Du hattest mal erwähnt, dein Mann würde ab und zu nach Singapur fahren. Gibt es irgendwelche besondere Mitbringsel? Mein Freund fährt da nämlich auch bald hin :)

    So, nun werde ich weiter mein Hausrat bei diversen Kleinanzeigenplattformen einstellen. Anstrengend!
    Wünsche dir einen wunderschönen Tag! Hugs :)
