Sonntag, 4. Oktober 2009

Cleaning madness

Cleaning is not just cleaning.
How about ironing your entire winter wadrobe (how the hell did I manage to collect SO much stuff?), rearranging the closet etc.
Need to put some stuff on Ebay, keep cleaning and stop playing SororityLife on Facebook (that's a REAL timewaster if you ask me).

And yeah, I need some shoes. Flat ones. However, these El Naturalista babies are just too pretty. I'm trying to suppress the thought of already owning two pairs of rather-high-heeled winter boots. *Showing some signs of self-restraint*

2 Kommentare:

  1. those facebook games are so addictive aren't they? i play farmville, cafe world, yoville, girls something or another nyc, and sorority life. 5 stupid games! i vowed to quit them a month ago but i'm hooked. i just started when i moved to hannover, i don't have american television anymore so i have to entertain myself by beating up chicks and planting crops...

  2. Hmm, you could entertain yourself by watching House M.D. He's American enough :)
    I get addicted too easily and I just can't afford any addictions right now so I just quit Sorority Life before it was too late. That saves time for passive/a bit of active blogging.
    Do you know how to quit? Just delete your accounts everywhere. Easy-peasy!
